How long can a champion be in stasis?

Solution 1:

In order they would go off:

Elise Repel - 2 Seconds

Zilean Ult - 2 Seconds

Guardian Angel - 4 Seconds

Zhonya's Hourglass - 2.5 Seconds

Elise Repel (Second time) - 2 Seconds

Total Time - 12.5 Seconds.

Elise repel is 14 second cooldown base. This means with 40% cdr, the cool down is 8.4 seconds. The combination of GA, Zilean ultimate, and Zhonyas gives you 8.5 seconds of stasis. This means you repel would be off cooldown by the time the rest of it is finished.

For stasis on other characters (vlad and fizz still take DoT damage in theirs): Vlad pool is 2 seconds. Lissandra's self ult is 2.5. Fizz pole is 0.7 seconds. Aatrox passive is 3 seconds.

Solution 2:

If we're talking about real stasis (the one where you are Completely Immortal) the champion with the longest Total stasis duration would be Aatrox. Note that Fizz E and Vladimir E are still allowing ticking damage

This could be achieved through:

  • Zilean Ultimate - 2s
  • Zhonyas Hourglass - 2.5s
  • Active Guardians Angel - 4s
  • Fully Stacked Passive Revive - 3s

and it makes a total of 11.5 seconds of stasis.

The only other champion that comes close to this is lissandra with 11 seconds (just replace Aatrox passive with Lissandra Ultimate - 2.5s).

It's however more likely to encounter a Lissandra that fullfils these criteria since Zhonyas isn't really a commonly built item on Aatrox.