How do I detect whenever a player looks at an entity?
So, I'm trying to make a gravity gun type thing in Minecraft. What I have so far is as follows.
A command block which is always powered and has the command:
/enchant @p sharpness 2
(it detects when you hold a sword).
And a command block which would be the output that has
execute @p ~ ~ ~ tp @e[type=villager] ^ ^ ^5 facing ^ ^ ^
Any help? I just need a command that detects if you look at a villager.
Solution 1:
/execute @p ^ ^ ^4 /testfor @e[type=villager,r=1]
You can increase the or decrease the number 4 to adjust the distance to the entity, and increase or decrease the 1 to adjust the size of the detection range.
How it works
It looks at 4 blocks ahead of the player’s look location and sees if there is a villager there.
By the way I’ve never seen that enchant command to detect a sword, really clever :)