For what champs is Maw of Malmortius a must buy item?

Is it worth getting in a premade match? Is it overpowered in any sense?

Solution 1:

I agree with Nobody's answer with the article link highlighting it and that it is an item that seems to have been built for Tryndamere and given his ultimate is a tad overpowered for him. The shield only absorbs magic damage but it will not count as health and recall Trydamere's passive increases his crit chance by amount of fury. As well as the fact that it gives bonus attack damage that powers up his spinning slash damage, so this item is just a monster for him. Another champion that many overlook who could benefit from it (though they are touched upon in the article I am happy to see) is Olaf. Any champion who plays with a low health bar constantly could benefit from this item.

Solution 2:

I don't think it's that great an item, but if you want to read more there's a well put together article here:

I think the champ it works best on is probably Tryndamere because of his ultimate.