How to get to level 200 as a Bowmaster in Maplestory?

I have a Bowmaster level 120 and I am trying to figure out the best ways to train my bowmaster so that he can become level 200, lately PQs are not doing it for me and I know quest can be long and tiresome is there another way I only have 1 1/2 hours to play a day!

The easiest way would be to delete it & wait for a burning event & create a new character, which will level 3 times as fast - plus, you get the Frozen equips set which should last you until 5th job.

If you don't want to do that, then Monster Park is the way to go. I generally use it from about level 120 to 180 or more. With 2 free runs a day, you can expect to average one level a day (more at level 120, fewer at higher levels).

Don't forget x2 - events in weekends, reward for Inferno Wold Den, Fairy brothers (+ Spirit Pendant), even cash shop if you are willing to pay.

Plus, the quickest way to get your Bowmaster to 200 might actually be to ignore it for a while & burn a Mercedes for the Link Skill. It can give any other character +10/15/20% EXP at level 70/120/210. It's easy to burn one to level 150 in a full day, 190/200 in a week, but might tale a month to get to 210. However, you can give the link skill to another character & can change which one you give it o.