Can you keep a piglin from turning into a zombified-piglin in the overworld?

Solution 1:

From the wiki:

When in the Overworld or the End, piglins transform into zombified piglins after 15 seconds.

This is part of their behavior, and cannot be protected from this any way in game (like putting them in water or protecting them from the sun, etc. After 15 seconds, they will turn into a Zombie Piglin.

However, through Commands:

IsImmuneToZombification: 1 or 0 (true/false) – If set to true, the piglin does not transform to a zombified piglin when in the Overworld.

By altering their NBT data, you can set this value to make them immune to this effect.

Solution 2:

You can make a command block reapeat always active with the command: /event entity @e[type=piglin] stop_zombification_event