How to do LAN search similar to Netscan in Windows?
There is a command line utility for that, nbtscan, it's available from the repositories.
sudo apt-get install nbtscan
! It's the definitive tool for network discovery (among other things). You can install it from the repositories using
sudo apt-get install nmap
After that, you can execute
to reveal services on your subnet, assuming you are on the
subnet. For a more detailed report, you can type
sudo nmap -sS -O
Netscan (for windows) is a very handy tool for browsing lan. There is a similar application for linux too, named ---ShareScanner (netscan for linux). You can download it here on SourceForge
The site contains 32 and 64 bit debian and rpm packages for easy installation. It is actually a GUI for smbclient.