How do i completely uninstall tor? (and then install it?)

First of all, I'm really new to Ubuntu and Tor. I've been trying to get tor working for days now and I can't seem to do it. Right now I'm trying to remove all remnants of tor/vidalia/polipo from my computer so I can start fresh again.

I've uninstalled vidalia and tor from the software center, but there's still two folders in the /etc directory (privoxy and polipo). Does this mean that these programs are still installed? If not, can I just delete the directory and how would I do that? I'm using Ubuntu 11.04.

To remove the configuration files, re-install tor and polipo, then purge them (remove removes the application, but leaves the system configuration files.

sudo apt-get purge tor polipo

From the apt-get man page


purge is identical to remove except that packages are removed and purged (any configuration files are deleted too).

Try this command line, it succeded for me!

sudo apt-get remove --purge tor-browser