What is each logged in user doing?

Solution 1:

The w command displays exactly that:

w - Show who is logged on and what they are doing.


 14:20:15 up  5:10,  4 users,  load average: 0,00, 0,04, 0,05
USER     TTY      FROM              LOGIN@   IDLE   JCPU   PCPU WHAT
user     pts/2    :0.0             09:11    5:07m  1.02s  1.02s ssh somewhere
user     pts/3    :0.0             09:11    5:08m  2.61s  2.61s ssh somewhere
user     pts/5    :0.0             09:12    5:07m  0.41s  0.41s /usr/bin/luit -
user     pts/0    :0.0             12:35    0.00s  0.34s  0.00s w

Solution 2:

You can use who command to see where your users have logged in eg. tty, pseudo terminals, etc.

you can also use

ps -ef

from your terminal to see what all users are doing

Solution 3:

You can try ps -efu user, doing man ps will list all options avaiable

Solution 4:

ps -f U $USER

will show you the logged in user activity. You can replace the $USER with any user id or username. Please note you can't use it in conjunction with the -f option as incorrectly stated above.