Mocking AngularJS module dependencies in Jasmine unit tests

If you want to mock a module that declare one or more services I have used this code:

    module(function ($provide) {
        $provide.value('yourService', serviceMock);

This is useful if the service you want to mock is also a service that you want to unit test (in another jasmine describe). The solution proposed by fscof is fine but you cannot create a unit test for the angular-table module.

Here's what I figured out:

I wasn't loading any 'angular-table' modules in my karma.conf.js file, hence the error. This was intentional at first as I wanted to test the 'events' module without the actual table module.

I was able to easily mock the 'angular-table' module by creating a new file in my test folder called 'mocks/angular-table.js' and added the following code:


angular.module('angular-table', []);

I added this file to my karma.conf.js file, along with the real 'events' module I wanted to test:


files = [
    'scripts/events.js', // this is the real module.
    'scripts/mocks/*.js', //loads all custom mocks.
    'scripts/specs/*.spec.js' // loads my spec file.

Finally in my spec file, I was able to add both modules by calling them separately in a beforeEach block:



I got the idea to structure my files in this way from this post