Homograph challenge [closed]

My friend said the other day, "I hate when a sentence starts with the word polish, because you don't know whether they mean polish or Polish."

polish (v) - to make smooth and glossy
Polish (a) - originating from Poland

I'm trying to think of a sentence where either word in the same spot would still make sense, but due to them being 2 different forms of speech I'm at a loss. Better yet, could it be the first word of the sentence?

Edit: both words can take noun form, I knew that but for some reason didn't think of that before/while posting. Obviously this is in the context of reading, so spelling is most important.

Solution 1:

If you include the noun polish:

Polish (n) - a substance that is rubbed on a surface to make it smooth and shiny

Then you could have this:

  • Polish it is, but affordable it definitely is not!

Otherwise, I fear you're stuck with something along the lines of:

  • Polish or not, it's entirely up to you.

If you'll consider signs and notes, then there is of course this - which could be either a sign on the door of a Warsaw student at the University of Istanbul, or a note to self by an overzealous contestant in a domestic wildfowl fancying competition:

  • Polish Turkey!

Solution 2:

I suppose in very brief telegram style, it could be done.

Check/Czech is sadly the other way around (heterographs, rather than homophones); otherwise a note written to the domestic staff that they should only look in on the silverware, never attempt to clean it themselves could also be taken as instructions only to buy silverware from the Czech Republic, never from Poland:

Check silverware, never polish! / Czech silverware, never Polish!

Solution 3:

I’m not sure whether you want answers focusing on the words “polish”/”Polish”, or whether you’re looking for homographs in general.  If you’re looking at the general case, the classic (humorous) example is

Time flies?   You can’t; they fly too fast.

where your first impression of the first two words, “Time flies”, is the old motto that time (noun) seems to go by quickly (flies, verb).  But then the second sentence casts the first one in a new light:

Can you time flies?

in which time is a verb (as in “Time me while I run to the store and back.”) and flies are flying insects (noun).

Oh!  I just remembered a related one:

Time flies like an arrow.   Fruit flies like a banana.

where the first three words are different parts of speech in the two sentences (if you’re willing to consider “fruit” to be an adjective in “fruit flies”).

Solution 4:

Polish products have soared in price recently. The pumice mines near Krakow are on strike!

Solution 5:

It may be easier if you recognise that 'polish' is also a noun, and then use it as a noun adjunct so it takes the same place in a sentence as an adjective.

So, something like,

"Polish colours of red & white are now available."