A phrase for "to get heavily involved in something"

I'm looking for a phrase or an idiom meaning "to get heavily involved in something" or "to become passionate about something" where "something" could be a hobby, lifestyle, a music genre etc.

One possibility would be simply "to get into something" but this doesn't seem to convey being passionate about the thing in question. Another one is "to get sucked into something" but a Google search indicates that this tends to mean "to get involved in something against one's will" which is not what I am after.

A common phrase with positive overtones is immerse oneself.

Involve oneself deeply in a particular activity or interest: she immersed herself in her work

A more colloquial phrase, aslo usually positive, is dive in.

to start doing something in a very enthusiastic way Sometimes you've just got to take a chance and dive in

Also plunge in.

If I wanted to be positive, I'd just say...

I'm really into XXX

...but if I wanted to be negative...

Let's not get bogged down in XXX

Get stuck in means “To dedicate a large amount of effort towards.” Wiktionary labels the phrase as “idiomatic, UK” and provides the following example.

He's really getting stuck in to his new job as chief executive. He's sacked half the boardroom staff already.

Knee-deep. Example he is knee-deep into analytics.

slang..he has his knees deep into tantric cures.