What word means "the ability to read more than one form of writing"?

If a person can speak and understand two languages, he is bilingual. How would you describe a person who can read and write in two languages with very different forms of writing, such as Chinese and English, or Sanskrit and Korean, or what have you?

Solution 1:

Biliterate is defined as:

  1. (adj) able to read and write in two languages.
  2. (noun) a person who is biliterate.

However, it appears that multiliteracy has morphed into a whole other meaning having to do with multimodal ways of communicating.

Solution 2:

I don't know if there is a single word to describe this ability. But you can use the word literate with the desired languages in order to denote someone's ability to read and write the languages in question. So you can say that someone is Chinese and English literate, for example.