Single word for "women lover" [closed]

Is there a single word for "women lover"?

Solution 1:

How about philogynist?

philogynist: a lover or friend of women.

Solution 2:

It's not a common word, but gynophile appears to fit.

Solution 3:

Philogynist (n. A lover or friend of women; one who esteems woman as the higher type of humanity; -- opposed to misogynist.) is the first result on the Writers' Reverse Dictionary.

Words that mean "women lover" are philogynist, agapet, mistress, don juan, lawrence, baby, cap, cicisbeo, electra, eros, gallant, gigolo, lady, philander, and philanderer. - Words that mean "women lover" - Writers' Reverse Dictionary

Solution 4:

Rarely used these days... Lothario.

Lothario: a man whose chief interest is seducing women