Chrome: Selecting a link by doing search on its text

To follow a link after it's found in search, press Esc followed by Enter.

Chrome Search Cheat Sheet

  1. Ctrl+F to open the search box.
  2. Ctrl+G or Enter moves through all highlighted results.
  3. Ctrl+Shift+G or Shift+Enter reverse move through all highlighted results.
  4. Esc closes search box, turns off all highlights, selects the focused text/link
  5. Enter to follow a link after highlights are off.

Use Cmd instead of Ctrl on Mac.

No extensions required.

Another method is Control + Enter (after highlighting in search).

I have used vimium.
By installing its extension in chrome, you will be able to click any links on the page with shortcut f
For more information, you can refer to

Here's a simple, easy to use chrome extension that solves this exact problem:

It's basically a control-f enhancement that lets you search for text of clickable elements on the page, cycle through results, and click on things.