No plank configuration file

Solution 1:

Plank makes use of GSettings and dconf to manage it's configuration. The configuration is stored together with the configuration of other applications which use GSettings in a single file. You will find this file in ~/.config/dconf/, in my system it's ~/.config/dconf/user. This is not a text file, you can't edit it in a text editor.

Use Plank's preferences window to edit your docks, to open the preferences window hold Ctrl and click the right mouse button while the cursor is over the dock, in the context menu choose Preferences.

To change the color of the little circle under the application icon that is shown when a window is open, you will have to either choose a different theme or edit the theme you are currently using. Plank themes are located in /usr/share/plank/themes/ or ~/.local/share/plank/themes/.

You can also install additional themes, take a look at
