Ubuntu 12.04 Install Problems.. Installation Type screen. No options [duplicate]

Possible Duplicate:
Only ‘sdb’ shows up when installing 12.04 on a new Dell inspiron 14z

I am new to Linux and trying to install Ubuntu 12.04 on a new HP Pavilion DV6TQE Ivy Bridge and being presented with the below screen which I believe is incorrect. My disk is set up as a basic disk (not dynamic) and I tried with a single C:\ partition and by creating a second partition in windows with no luck. Any ideas?

enter image description here

UPDATE: I think I know what the problem is but I don't know how to fix it yet.. My hard drive has a 32gb mSSD cache which is listed as dev/sdb. for some reason this is causing the installation trouble.

This can be a symptom of computers with Intel Smart Response Technology / Intel Rapid Storage Technology. Basically, Intel does fancy stuff (including the solid-state-drive cache) to make the disk drive faster and more reliable. It's related to RAID ... the same file may be stored in multiple places etc.

Intel has posted a PDF saying that DMRAID (the usual linux program to deal with RAID) is old and neglected, and incapable of understanding Intel's newest flavor of RAID. The other linux RAID program is mdadm (aka "MDRAID"), and supposedly works perfectly with ISRT / IRST and is supported by Intel.

Therefore, it seems to me that the most logical solution is the one suggested by oldfred here: Open ubuntu in liveCD or live-usb mode, open a terminal and type

sudo apt-get install mdadm

After that finishes (strangely, it might install an email service in the process), immediately run the livecd's installer. With any luck it will work perfectly.

When I encountered this same problem on my Dell Inspiron 14z, this procedure fixed the problem. [One other thing was, before I did the procedure above, I turned off acceleration in the Intel Rapid Storage Technology program within Windows 7.

I don't think that step was necessary though.]