Blocking popups and ads

I'm having a fight with ads, popups and tracking cookies. But I'm having some issues.

Software used:

  • Chromium 18.0.1025.168

Extensions used:

  • Adblock Plus (Beta)1.2
  • AdBlock+ Element Hiding Helper1.1.9.18
  • Better Pop Up Blocker2.1.6
  • Ghostery3.0.0

With this configuration, I'm always getting this error:

This extension failed to modify a network request because the modification conflicted with another extension.

I know if I disable "better popup", this goes away. It's perfectly normal, due to those extensions trying to block the same things. Problem is, I can't live without all of them! Can anyone advise me about some good configuration?

  • Can't live without adblock plus, because I hate ads.
  • Better popup blocker is essential too (believe me, chrome doesn't block a lot of popups, and I have a website or 2 that can prove that.)
  • And ghostery is a must... I can't bare the idea of being tracked all the time by some companies.

So I'm kinda lost here! everything is needed, but they conflict with each other. I mean, it has to exist a perfect combination out there, I know I'm not the only one hating the privacy issues nowadays! I am really thankful for any tips guys.

Solution 1:

Well, on Google Chrome (proprietary version of Chromium) I use a combination of:

  • Adblock

  • Keep MORE opts out

  • And Better Popup Blocker :)

Always works, no error messages.