How can I install lightdm-webkit2-greeter?

I want to install this:

I'm not sure how to use the given OBS Repo to install the package. I've done quite a bit of googling and I'm at a loss.

Solution 1:

Well, that OBS repo is perplexing to me as well. I would build from source:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install python3-whither
sudo apt-get install liblightdm-gobject-dev
sudo apt-get install python3-gi
git clone /tmp/greeter
cd /tmp/greeter
sudo make install

Solution 2:

For people from 2019+ who are coming across this thread, I solved it by installing it from source too, however you have to get the dependencies as follows:

  • Install Whither (another package by Antegros)

    • Install its dependencies:

      # Make sure you have pip installed (python's package manager)
      sudo apt install python-pip
      # Install PyQt5 WebEngine
      sudo apt install python3-pyqt5.qtwebengine
    • Install using pip (this didn't work for me)
      sudo pip install whither
    • Install from source
      git clone
      cd whither
      sudo python3 install
  • Install other dependencies:
    sudo apt-get install liblightdm-gobject-1-dev
    sudo apt-get install python3-gi
  • Finally install lightdm-webkit2-greeter
    git clone
    cd web-greeter
    sudo make install

Themes can be found at /usr/share/web-greeter/themes

Main Config file is at /etc/lightdm/web-greeter.yml

Enable lightdm to use web-greeter by editing/creating a file at /usr/share/lightdm/lightdm.conf.d/60-web-greeter.conf as follows:
