Make Jackson interpret single JSON object as array with one element

Solution 1:

Try with DeserializationFeature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY - it should work for you.


final String json = "{\"date\" : \"2013-05-11\",\"value\" : 123}";

final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
final List<Point> points = mapper.readValue(json,
        new TypeReference<List<Point>>() {});

Solution 2:

The Jackson 1.x-compatible version uses DeserializationConfig.Feature.ACCEPT_SINGLE_VALUE_AS_ARRAY. So the above answer changes to:

final String json = "{\"date\" : \"2013-05-11\",\"value\" : 123}";

final ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper()
final List<Point> points = mapper.readValue(json,
    new TypeReference<List<Point>>() {