Throw exception in optional in Java8

Optional is not intended for the purpose of dealing with exceptions, it was intended to deal with potential nulls without breaking the flow of your program. For example: -> new RuntimeException("No data!");

This will automatically skip the map step if the optional was empty and go right to the throw step -- a nice unbroken program flow.

When you write:

 myOptionalValue.orElseThrow(() -> new RuntimeException("Unavailable"));

... what you are really saying is: Return my optional value, but throw an exception if it is not available.

What you seem to want is a way to create an optional (that instantly catches the exception) and will rethrow that exception when you try using the optional.

That's not how Optionals work. They don't make try-catch-blocks obsolete. However, you could introduce a new wrapper-function like this:

public Optional<MyObject> getMyObject(final String jql) {
    try {
        return Optional.ofNullable(get(sql));
    } catch (final JqlParseException e) {
        return Optional.empty();

You won't have to deal with the exception anymore, but you won't know if there was an error if you get an empty Optional as well.

Try this

                .orElseThrow(() -> new GenericClientException("Request body is not valid", HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST));