How to only show headings in MS Word navigation pane

I have a very large doc with headings and when using the navigation pane it also shows the first line of every normal (or non-heading) paragraph below the heading. This beats the purpose of the navigation pane as I need to scroll several pages before finding and being able to jump to the heading in the text.

Is there a way to make the navigation pane ONLY show headings?


The Navigation Pane only shows paragraphs that have an outline heading level. Period.

That something else seems to be showing means that you have a non-heading paragraph with an outline level assigned.

  1. Navigate to such a paragraph by clicking on it in the Navigation pane.
  2. Change it to the Normal style or Body Text or some other body-level paragraph style.

It should disappear from the Navigation Pane.

If you like, include a link to a sample document with the problem (a few pages only, please) and I will tell you exactly where the problem is. Here is my article on the MS website telling how to do this.

You can, also, right-click in the Navigation pane and temporarily change the number of levels displayed. This may help.