How to remove an app stuck in "waiting" mode from the Mac App Store?

I've got 2 applications that I installed via the Mac App Store that are still in the "waiting" mode. How do I get these applications to finish installing? Or how do I remove them and try again?

By "waiting" mode I mean they are showing a download progress bar and have the word "waiting" overlaid their icons inside of the launchpad app. (I would take a picture but it doesn't seem to let me while showing the launchpad)

Solution 1:

I had a problem with not being able to stop an old OS from downloading. In order to delete it and stop the download, once opening launchpad, I held down the 'option' on my keyboard which caused the apps to wiggle just like on the iphone. I could then click the 'x' and delete them/stop the download.

Solution 2:

Do not delete or remove any downloaded part or file. Just do the following and it will resume the download.

In the Activity Monitor, for example, kill the storeagent process. Then restart App Store and click resume. That's it.

Solution 3:

Here's what worked for me:

  1. Open the launchpad
  2. Hold down on App that is stuck in "Waiting.." mode until it displays an 'X' in the upper left corner
  3. Press Enter and it should finish downloading or exit the infinite loop it's stuck in

Again, this is what worked for me, may not work for everyone but I thought I'd post it.

Solution 4:

The actual downloads are done by a process called storeagent, which sometimes get stuck. Exit App Store, kill storeagent (e.g. in Activity Monitor), restart App Store (which will revive store agent) and go back to the Purchases tab where you click on the app to restart it.