How can I identify zero values, but format non-zero ones?

Solution 1:

Found the answer here. It seems that the semi-colons separate four sections of formatting, for positive numbers, negative numbers, zeroes and text.

In my case, I want currency shown for positive or negatives, and blank for zeroes, so the following custom format does the trick...


Because the third format is blank (ie there's nothing after the second semi-colon), it shows blank for zeroes, but uses the formatting in the first two otherwise.

Hope that helps someone.

Solution 2:

A custom format like « 0;-0; » tells Excel to print a normal number if positive (0 format), normal number with a minus sign if negative (-0 format), and nothing if null (the third part of the custom format).

You could have also fancy format (0;-0;"NULL")… the order of format (positive;negative;null) is hardcoded in Excel.