How to use Excel Switch function to compare with range of values

I would like to use the SWITCH function to detect if a number is between two other numbers, if not test the next range of numbers and so on.

The objective is to have a one cell answer and then copy the formula over a column (of dates in this example).

I tried this :


But the function spills for each element of the array and the comparison is done by level of the array :

I could work around this by using an IFS function but that would require to write (and evaluate) the logical test for each pair of argument and that is what I would like to evade.

Maybe I am tackling this issue from the wrong angle but I would still like to know if this usage of SWITCH is somehow possible. Thank you in advance.

The answerS :

The one from Reddy Lutonadio is very flexible for list of distinct values. It is the one I accepted.

The one from Ron Rosenfeld is very compact, efficient, can work with real numbers but the lists must have the same length.

My opinion : Use IFS for more complex situations (and maybe add the LET function in the mix).

Solution 1:

Simpler may not be flexible enough for your needs. But to return the same result, using SWITCH:


You can obtain the same result with a simpler formulas:
