Solution 1:

You need to do following things.

  • when you want to use AsyncTask, extend that in other class say MyCustomTask.
  • in constructor of new class, pass Context


public class MyCustomTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Long> {

    private Context mContext;

    public MyCustomTask (Context context){
         mContext = context;

    //other methods like onPreExecute etc.
    protected void onPostExecute(Long result) {
         Toast.makeText(mContext,"Subiendo la foto. ¡Tras ser moderada empezara a ser votada!: ", Toast.LENGTH_LONG).show(); 

And instantiate class by following.

MyCustomTask task = new MyCustomTask(context);

Solution 2:

Holding a weak reference to the host Activity will prevent memory leaks.

static class MyTask extends AsyncTask<Void, Void, Void> {
    // Weak references will still allow the Activity to be garbage-collected
    private final WeakReference<Activity> weakActivity;

    MyTask(Activity myActivity) {
      this.weakActivity = new WeakReference<>(myActivity);

    public Void doInBackground(Void... params) {
      // do async stuff here

    public void onPostExecute(Void result) {
      // Re-acquire a strong reference to the activity, and verify
      // that it still exists and is active.
      Activity activity = weakActivity.get();
      if (activity == null
          || activity.isFinishing()
          || activity.isDestroyed()) {
        // activity is no longer valid, don't do anything!

      // The activity is still valid, do main-thread stuff here