Get current language with angular-translate

Is there a way to get the current used language in a controller (without $translateProvider)?

Couldn't find anything in the $translate service.

$translate.use() is a getter and setter.

See this demo found in links of docs:

$translate.use() is the way to go. Also, when an asynchronous loader is executed, you might wanna use $translate.proposedLanguage() which returns the language key of the language that is currently loaded but not finished loaded yet.

When using angular-translate-loader-static-files I have noticed that $translate.proposedLanguage() returned undefined when using the default language while $translate.use() always returned the proposed language.

Therefore I fixed it by using:

var currentLang = $translate.proposedLanguage() || $translate.use();

$translate.use() seems not to work on initial load of the app, to get last selected language from storage: $ $translate.storageKey() ) or just $translate.proposedLanguage();