Visual Studio 2012 Express is suddenly "incompatible with this version of Windows"?

I'm running Visual Studio Express 2012 on Windows 7. I've been running it with no problems for several months now.

Last Friday, when I shut down my PC, a lot of Windows updates were installed. This morning, when I started up and opened a VS2012 solution, I got this error message:

This program has known compatibility issues


Visual Studio 2012 Express for Windows Desktop is incompatible with this version of Windows. 

There's a button for Run Program, and when I click it, the solution opens normally. I haven't changed anything about my Windows configuration. This happens every time I open a solution. Did MS release a flawed patch in the batch of updates that got applied last Friday?

EDIT: I'm not sure why people are voting to close this question. The answer that's been linked to isn't related to my issue; that answer seems to pertain to trying to open a VS2012 project in VS2010. I'm trying to open a VS2012 project in VS2012. If you really think that the question needs to be closed, please let me know why in the comments, so that I can change it appropriately.

The .NET updates installed on Friday were:

  • KB2805226
  • KB2805221
  • KB2804582

UPDATE: I gave up, more or less, and clicked the "Don't show this window again" checkbox on the error window. Visual Studio seems to be running ok.

I received the same message on Visual Studio 2012 Premium (on PC where Windows 7 re-installed in last month) - the suggested fix was "Update for Microsoft Visual Studio 2012 (KB2781514)" which seems to have fixed it

Install Visual Studio 2012 Update 2 solved my problem. No previous update needed for this one. Here's the descriptions of the update.

(I'm using Windows 8, installed all important updates for Windows, then tried repair Visual Studio in Programs and Features, problem still here until installed Update 2.)

I've been running VS2012 for about 2 weeks now since I clicked the "Don't show this window again" button. I haven't encountered any problems. For now I'm going to consider this an adequate solution.