How can I get a list of passing tests from karma runner suite?

When I run karma on my webapp, I only get generic messages like tests passed - is there a way to get a list of passing tests? How do I get more verbose output?

I cannot find this anywhere in the documentation.

Solution 1:

I know how this can be done!

Karma's terminal output comes from objects called Reporters. Karma ships with some built-in Reporters (they can be found in karma/lib/reporters). Karma is also able to use custom Reporters.

You can specify which reporters are used in your project's karma.config.js file.

For example, the 'dots' reporter just prints a dot when each test passes:

reporters: ['dots'],

The 'progress' reporter prints more than dots:

reporters: ['progress'],

The custom reporter karma-spec-reporter prints the name of each test when the test succeeds or fails (but not much else):

reporters: ['spec'],

You may want to roll your own reporter, since karma-junit-reporter, karma-spec-reporter, and the included reporters may not meet your needs.

I am guessing that customizing karma-spec-reporter is the best option in this case, since it already prints a line when a test succeeds.

If you are looking for something even more simple to work from, here is a custom reporter that I built. It reports passing and failing tests with no terminal colors.

Solution 2:

I recommend the Karma Spec Reporter. This will give you a pretty unit test report like this.

Karma unit test spec

How to use it:

  1. Install the Karma Spec Reporter

On the command line in your project,

npm install karma-spec-reporter --save-dev

  1. Add Karma Spec Reporter to the configuration

In karma.conf.js,

    reporters: ["spec"],
    specReporter: {
      maxLogLines: 5,         // limit number of lines logged per test
      suppressErrorSummary: true,  // do not print error summary
      suppressFailed: false,  // do not print information about failed tests
      suppressPassed: false,  // do not print information about passed tests
      suppressSkipped: true,  // do not print information about skipped tests
      showSpecTiming: false // print the time elapsed for each spec
    plugins: ["karma-spec-reporter"],

That is all. Enjoy.