Why using a GPS usb stick increases the latency of my WiFi connection?

I noticed an increase in the latency (+- 20ms) of my Wifi connection when I'm retrieving in the same time the GPS location of my notebook. I paid attention to get the location via the GPS usb stick and the GPS usb stick only. I'm not using the wifi routers to retrieve the location.

Do you have an idea that would explain the link between the use of the GPS usb stick and the increase of the latency of the WiFi connection of my notebook?

Solution 1:

There is nothing inherent to GPS that should cause an increase in Wi-Fi latency.

You will have to troubleshoot this like any other "the presence of one peripheral slows down my other peripheral" problem. Does one peripheral have a piggish driver? Is one peripheral fouling up your USB bus? Is one device disabling interrupts for a long time? etc.