How to paste table without nesting in MS OneNote?

So a couple of caveats:

  1. This will only work in the OneNote desktop app (will not work in O365/webapp).
  2. The amount of column cells from source must match the amount of column cells that exist in the destination.

With that said, if you're wanting to only copy a few cells out of the total, and both the source and destination tables have the same amount of columns, just copy all data from said columns and delete whichever cells of data are not necessary in the destination table. The data can be pasted either right below the table (and it will append itself to the bottom of the table) or in the first column of an empty row. At least in OneNote, you can click-drag vertically without it grabbing the entire row below/above so it doesn't generate a ton of clean-up work for you.

Apologies that this isn't a straight-forward approach, but it seems to be the only one that exists at the moment.

I have the same problem. My workaround is to copy and past into Word. Then paste the cells in the appropriate cells. OneNote is quite table friendly but I find it more efficient to manipulate tables in Word or Excel.