Just upgraded to Windows 11 and Window-Shift-S screensnip no longer works

Windows (WinKey) Shift S to get the Snipping tool works fine on Windows 11 22000.282 Insider since this past July (all the way along) and on a new Windows 11 22000.282 Production (< 1 month). Both upgraded from Windows 10.

No issue with Windows 11.

You might try a Windows 11 Repair from the Windows 11 ISO download.

If that does not work for you, roll back to Windows 10 and make sure it is working perfectly well. You could try a Repair Install of Windows 10 and then try upgrading again.

From Microsoft forums: disable automatic time, set your clock back to 30th October, then try windows+shift+s. Once that works, enable automatic time again.

Cannot comment but actually setting the Date before October 30th and back to auto worked for me. Good old microsoft wonder why this solves it :D