DNS Error : extra input text

I am configuring my private DNS server. When I reached the Check BIND Configuration Syntax step, I got some errors.

Here is the my Forward Zone File :

$ORIGIN esprit1.com.
$TTL    86400
@       IN      SOA     ns.esprit1.com. root.esprit1.com. (
        4      ; serial
        3600            ; refresh after 2 hours
        3600            ; retry after 1 hour
        604800          ; expire after 1 week
        86400 )         ; minimum TTL of 1 day
; Primary nameserver
        IN      NS      ns.esprit1.com.
; Define A records (forward lookups)
@ IN NS ns.esprit1.com. 
@ IN A  
ns IN A 
web1 IN A
mail IN A

Here is the my Reverse Zone File :

$TTL 86400
@ IN SOA ns.esprit1.com. root.ns.esprit1.com.(
86400 )
@ IN NS ns.esprit1.com.
138 IN PTR ns.esprit1.com.
138 PTR web1.esprit1.com
138 PTR mail.esprit1.com

And when i run the command for the Reverse file named-checkzone esprit1.com /var/named/147.168.192.db it gives me this :

[root@localhost named]# named-checkzone esprit1.com /var/named/147.168.192.db
dns_rdata_fromtext: /var/named/147.168.192.db:7: near '86400': extra input text
zone esprit1.com/IN: loading from master file /var/named/147.168.192.db failed: extra input text
zone esprit1.com/IN: not loaded due to errors.

Solution 1:

SOA's have 5 entries; serial, refresh, retry, expire & minimum.

Your rDNS file has 6 entries. I assume 10800 is the odd one out.