Is there an efficient way to check which currency my user wants to convert?

Solution 1:

Choose one base currency. Express all other currencies in terms of this base currency. Then you can populate a map of conversion factors and use it:

#include <iostream>
#include <map>

int main()
    std::map<std::string,int> conversions { {"dollars",100},{"pennies",1}};
    //                                                 ^ 1 dollar = 100 pennies
    std::cout << "amount: ";
    double amount = 0;
    std::cin >> amount;
    std::cout << "from: ";
    std::string from;
    std::cin >> from;
    std::cout << "to : ";
    std::string to;
    std::cin >> to;

    auto ifrom = conversions.find(from);
    auto ito = conversions.find(to);
    if (ifrom == conversions.end() || ito == conversions.end()) return 0; 
    double result = amount * ifrom->second / ito->second;
    std::cout << result;

For example:

amount: 100
from: dollars
to : pennies

std::map<std::string,int> is an associative container. It stores key (std::string)-value (int) pairs. It is sorted, though its just my bad habit of using std::map when an unsorted std::unordered_map would work as well. Its find method can be used to look up an element for a given key. If the key is not found in the map the end iterator is returned. Hence, before dereferencing the returned iterator one needs to check for equality to end(). It the returned iterator is not the end iterator one can use the iterators first and second to get the key and mappend value, respectively.