passing bash variables to expect script or scripting expect from inside bash

  1. pass the value through the environment:

    export ipaddress
    /usr/bin/expect <<'EOD'
    spawn sudo sshfs -o StrictHostKeyChecking=accept-new cm4nxd@$env(ipaddress):/ /Volumes/ryzen-server -oallow_other -oauto_xattr -ovolname=ryzen-server
    # ..........................................................^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^

    (edit 17 hours later) -- Note that the 'EOD' must be quoted. That essentially single quotes the entire heredoc so that the shell does not expand Expect's variables.

  2. don't need the shell: read the file in expect

    #!/usr/bin/env expect
    set fh [open /Users/cm4nxd/Library/Scripts/current.ip r]
    gets $fh ipaddress
    close $fh
    spawn ... user@$ipaddress ...