AutoHotKey - switch statement with a series of InStr functions

I have created an AutoHotKey script with a bunch of if functions that rely on InStr, similarly as in the example below, and it already does what I want. Is it possible, though, to convert it to a Switch statement to simplify it and avoid repeating if InStr... several times?

The value of fullPath remains the same during the execution of the script.

fullPath = "%1%" 
;input examples: "c:\example\lalala lynx lalala.txt" and  "c:\another folder\test\kiwi testtest.txt"

if InStr(fullPath, "kiwi")
    Goto, FRUIT

if InStr(fullPath, "Estonia")
   Goto, COUNTRY

if InStr(fullPath, "lynx")
   Goto, ANIMAL

Try to use an associative array:

assocArray := { "kiwi" : "FRUIT" , "Estonia" : "COUNTRY" , "lynx" : "ANIMAL" }
for key, val in assocArray
    if InStr(fullPath, key)
        Goto, %val%