RegEx that will match the last occurrence of dot in a string

I have a filename that can have multiple dots in it and could end with any extension:


I need to use a regex to replace the last occurrence of the dot with another string like @2x and then the dot again (very much like a retina image filename) i.e.:

tro.lo.png -> [email protected]

Here's what I have so far but it won't match anything...

str = "";
str.replace(/.([^.]*)$/, " @2x.");

any suggestions?

Solution 1:

You do not need a regex for this. String.lastIndexOf will do.

var str = '';
var i = str.lastIndexOf('.');
if (i != -1) {
    str = str.substr(0, i) + "@2x" + str.substr(i);

See it in action.

Update: A regex solution, just for the fun of it:

str = str.replace(/\.(?=[^.]*$)/, "@2x.");

Matches a literal dot and then asserts ((?=) is positive lookahead) that no other character up to the end of the string is a dot. The replacement should include the one dot that was matched, unless you want to remove it.

Solution 2:

Just use special replacement pattern $1 in the replacement string:

console.log("tro.lo.lo.lo.lo.lo.png".replace(/\.([^.]+)$/, "@2x.$1"));
// "[email protected]"

Solution 3:

You can use the expression \.([^.]*?):

str.replace(/\.([^.]*?)$/, "@2x.$1");

You need to reference the $1 subgroup to copy the portion back into the resulting string.