FORMAT ext4 filesystem from Windows
FORMAT acts ONLY on filesystems that have a drive-letter. (You can't really do a full disk wipe with it. You can only wipe partitions, but for a single-partition disk it more or less amounts to the same thing.)
So go into the Windows Disk Administrator.
Find the partition (or if the disk is completely empty, make a new partition covering the whole disk) and give it a (quick) format with NTFS or any other Windows supported filesystem and assign it a drive-letter.
After that you can do the FORMAT /p: as desired.
Or (commandline) youcan use DISKPART to create the partition adn assign the drive-letter.
However the "CLEAN ALL" command in DISKPART has the same effect as a 1-pass 0-byte overwrite and it acts on the WHOLE DISK. Don't use it if you only want to wipe a single partition/filesystem!
But since you seem to want a disk-level 1-pass overwrite, this would be the quickest way to do it.