Combine two tables for one output

Solution 1:

You'll need to use UNION to combine the results of two queries. In your case:

SELECT ChargeNum, CategoryID, SUM(Hours)
FROM KnownHours
GROUP BY ChargeNum, CategoryID
SELECT ChargeNum, 'Unknown' AS CategoryID, SUM(Hours)
FROM UnknownHours
GROUP BY ChargeNum

Note - If you use UNION ALL as in above, it's no slower than running the two queries separately as it does no duplicate-checking.

Solution 2:

In your expected output, you've got the second last row sum incorrect, it should be 40 according to the data in your tables, but here is the query:

Select  ChargeNum, CategoryId, Sum(Hours)
From    (
    Select  ChargeNum, CategoryId, Hours
    From    KnownHours
    Select  ChargeNum, 'Unknown' As CategoryId, Hours
    From    UnknownHours
) As a
Group By ChargeNum, CategoryId
Order By ChargeNum, CategoryId

And here is the output:

ChargeNum  CategoryId 
---------- ---------- ----------------------
111111     1          40
111111     2          50
111111     Unknown    70
222222     1          40
222222     Unknown    25.5