Macro to find and format all endnotes in a Word document

Solution 1:

Thanks to a lovely contributor at MS Answer, I think I've found a solution without using a macro and instead using the far simpler Find and Replace function.

See Suzanne S. Barnhill's answer here:

It may be that you just need to reapply the style. You can do this using the Replace dialog.

  1. With the insertion point in the document body (not a note), press
    Ctrl+H to open the Replace dialog.
  2. In the "Find what" box, type ^f (for footnote reference marks) or ^e (for endnote reference marks).
  3. Click More to expand the dialog.
  4. With the insertion point in the empty "Replace with" box, click Format, then Style.
  5. Select the Footnote Reference or Endnote Reference style, as appropriate, and click OK.
  6. Click Replace All.

Word should search the entire main story (document body) and then search the notes. If the problem is only with reference marks in the notes, you can start there.

Thank you, @Viki Ji, for your input.