caddy-docker-proxy to host port

I'm running cockpit on port 9090 on my host machine.

In a docker container on the host is the caddy-docker-proxy.

The reverse proxy (RP) container is linked to the host ports 80 and 443.

Is there any way I can use the caddy-docker-proxy to access port 9090 on the host machine?

I've tried using the cockpit-ws docker image but it doesn't contain the webserver and as such I have the same issue.

I don't know how I might add a custom caddyfile to the RP nor how I might create a dummy container.

See related github issue

Solution 1:

I've added a few lines to the caddy docker-compose.yml and altered the host cockpit conf file:


  - "host.docker.internal:host-gateway"
  caddy.reverse_proxy: "host.docker.internal:9090"


AllowUnencrypted = true
ProtocolHeader = X-Forwarded-Proto