Is anyone else experiencing keys (I am not touching) being sent to WSL 2 gui apps and how should I report it to Microsoft?

I am trying the Windows insider preview (co_release) with Ubuntu 18.0.4 (and Ubuntu 20.0.4) under WSL 2 to use Emacs in GUI mode without needing VcXsrv. With either version I sometimes (not always) experience the following "glitch". Emacs starts receiving a repeated key even though I am not touching the keyboard nor the mouse (often starting just as I bring the distribution up; bringing up emacs is the main thing I go into Linux for and the main reason I use the computer at all). The key is usually C-c (control c), but is sometimes just c and sometimes " " (space). It happens with both versions of Ubunutu, so it isn't specific to one of them.

I also have Ubuntu (18.0.4) under WSL 1 with VcXsrv and it doesn't experience this issue. So, I am assuming that it is somehow WSL 2 related and possibly related to that release.

Any ideas on the cause and more importantly how should I report this issue to Microsoft. I've never beta tested anything as an external user before.

Note: It appears to only happen when I open the distribution after I have successfully started emacs once before.

Solution 1:

It appears that this is a known issue and will eventually be fixed; see