Word for the satisfaction of curiosity

There is a good feeling you get when your curiosity is satisfied, especially if is about a question you found interesting or important, or have spent a lot of time and energy trying to answer. Depending on how much I wanted to know, this feeling can be quite pleasing. Is there a word specifically for either the satisfaction of a curiosity, or the feeling that results?

I feel sated when a need has been fulfilled, including curiosity, for example: "Learning of the contents of the box in the movie "7" has sated my, and Brad Pitt's, curiosity."

from MWO:

Sate - verb, Sated - adjective

"having one's appetite completely satisfied"

This is what you get from Google Books Search, with the search term, curiosity was [v*].

The best options seem to be:

  • satisfied
  • gratified
  • appeased
  • sated
  • fed

All these words are quite generic, though. I did not see anything relevant that goes better with "curiosity" than with anything else.

After I have been satisfied I feel very content.

a state of satisfaction.

If I am obnoxiously satisfied with a little smirk, one might say I am smug.

an excessive feeling of self-satisfaction