What does "educated" mean in "educated guess"?

Solution 1:

An educated guess is a guess in which you take into account factors which might affect the outcome using reason. It is a term used to clarify that a guess is not one which is made “off the top of your head”—that is, guessing the first possibility that comes to mind—but rather one which, although it is still a guess, is generated by considering multiple possibilities and selecting the one thought most likely by considering those factors that a reasonable person might assume will affect the outcome.

Solution 2:

An alternative synonym: informed (and ill-informed, perhaps, as an autonym).

Solution 3:

When I use this expression, I mean a guess that is informed by experience and knowledge not readily apparent to the average person, rather than based on average person's information base plus some thought.

Solution 4:

Synonym: reasoned. Antonym: wild.