Term for student who was thrown out of university?

Is there a term or even a noun for a student who was thrown out of college/universite etc.?

I want to emphasize that he was willing to continue, but was dismissed permanently (e.g. due to severely breaking rules). He may never return.

  • "Failed student" or the like implies that the student failed some tests, which is not the case here.
  • "Dropout" seems to imply that he simply dropped out voluntarily, e.g. due to lack of interest.

Expelled, as in the student was expelled from university. It's basically a crossover of the concepts of suspension or expulsion from high school

EDIT: I should probably point out that Rusticated would have been my first choice (had I remembered it) and it's actually the prescribed word for the concept. Moonstar2001 is bang on here

Sent down is the term used at the old English universities.

Any of these:


