Adjective to describe the intentionally slow U.S. legislative process

Perhaps deliberate:


  1. carefully weighed or considered; studied; intentional.
  2. characterized by deliberation or cautious consideration; careful or slow in deciding.
  3. leisurely and steady in movement or action; slow and even; unhurried: moving with a deliberate step.

There's also the overused (in my opinion) Kafkaesque. It's close, although not exactly what you're after, since it usually implies a frustrating, perhaps unnecessary complexity as well, rather than an intentional well-behaved slowness:


  1. marked by a senseless, disorienting, often menacing complexity.

I would go with deliberate, or a related word like careful, cautious, painstaking, etc.

There is also gradual, I suppose, although it feels strange to me here for reasons that I can't explain. You may have some success with it or one of its synonyms, though:


  1. taking place, changing, moving, etc., by small degrees or little by little.

(All definitions from

Throttled (adj.) or throttling, from the verb throttle. — M-W

verb 3. to not allow (something) to grow or develop

Throttle — Wiktionary

verb (transitive) 1. To cut back on the speed of (an engine, person, organization, network connection, etc.).

Example usages:

  1. Throttled data transfer — TechTarget

    Data transfer throttling is often used to prevent spam or bulk e-mail transmission through a network server. If the number of e-mail messages sent through the server is limited to, say, one destination address per minute, it is impossible for that server to effectively operate as a medium for the transmission of spam because it would take weeks or months to transfer the number of messages necessary for effective spam marketing

  2. Bandwidth throttling — Wikipedia

    Bandwidth throttling is the intentional slowing of Internet service by an Internet service provider. It is a reactive measure employed in communication networks to regulate network traffic and minimize bandwidth congestion.

  3. Throttling process (computing) — Wikipedia

    In software, a throttling process, or a throttling controller as it is sometimes called, is a process responsible for regulating the rate at which application processing is conducted, either statically or dynamically.

Consider bureaucratic. This word tends to carry connotations of intentional or even excessive slowness.


  1. excessive multiplication of, and concentration of power in, administrative bureaus or administrators.

  2. administration characterized by excessive red tape and routine.

I would think that 'glacial', with the addition of 'pace' at the end, sums it up nicely.

glacial adj. Extremely slow, like the movement of a glacier: Work proceeded at a glacial pace.

Source: The Free Dictionary

glacial pace 'At a glacial pace' means 'very slowly'.

Source: Urban Dictionary

I would go with conservative. If memory serves, I've read in political science textbooks and political commentary the American political system described as conservative, and not in the sense of a political ideology.

having the power or tendency to conserve or preserve.

tending or disposed to maintain existing views, conditions, or institutions

But I would caution that use of this word might lead careless readers to think you were stating that the American political system was inherently conservative as a political philosophy. If you do decide to use this word I would explain that.