Hyper V network adapter configuration on parent partition

Solution 1:

As far as the bsod's are concerned the following (relevant to your situation) hotfixes will need to be applied.


Are you really running with just two nics, are they 10gb's? if not then your clusters not running in a recommended configuration. True it will pass with warnings the cluster validation test but it will be less then optimal.

If you truly have one nic for lm,csv,hb,vms,mgmt then its configured the only way possible and the host must share the nic's with the vm's.

Another issue was this cluster built with hyper-v installed then sysprepped? If so then you have mac collisions.


Solution 2:

Not. You are doing it ok. In an Hyper-V team you can bing a real network adapter with the same name to a virtual network in all the nodes. You should do this and this is the recommended by Microsoft.

Altough you are using the NICs for doing a lot of things and that could be genereating your problems. Keep in mind that only use two network adapters for this scenario is not the best option and could have unexpected behavior.

Based on the Microsoft recommendations you should have in all the Hyper-V nodes the following:

  1. A NIC dedicated to Virtual Machines.
  2. A NIC dedicated for management, that means for be use to the host.
  3. A NIC dedicated for iSCSI.
  4. A NIC dedicated for heart beat. This is the internal traffic of the cluster.
  5. If you are planing to use Live Migraton you should dedicated a NIC for that.

Try to have them all. Remeber to rename them exactly on all your nodes.

Remeber that is not supported by Microsoft to have Teaming at NICs in Hyper-V Clusters, that could genereate failures. There is more information at Microsoft KB 968703.

Read this article about network best practice for knowinf what protocols you should enable in whic NIC and about the metric. It's highy recommended to change the metric in each interface.