Unable to upload file FTP

I have everyone restricted to their home folder via FTP. Within each home I have a public_html directory which I'm not able to upload to.

I have added my user source to the ftp group. the public_html folder is...

drwxrwsr-x 2 source ftp 4096 public_html

I'm not sure why I'm not able to upload files. What am I doing wrong with permissions?


The VSFTPD logs read:

- TIMESTAMP - [pid 2] CONNECT: Client "xx.xxx.xx.xx"
- TIMESTAMP - [pid 1] [user] OK LOGIN: Client "xx.xxx.xx.xx"


SmartFTP returns the error:

[18:36:52] SIZE index.php
[18:36:52] 550 Could not get file size.


Smart FTP Logs

[23:15:31] TYPE I
[23:15:31] 200 Switching to Binary mode.
[23:15:31] SIZE index.php
[23:15:31] 550 Could not get file size.
[23:16:02] SIZE index.php
[23:16:02] 550 Could not get file size.
[23:16:32] SIZE index.php
[23:16:32] 550 Could not get file size.
[23:17:02] SIZE index.php
[23:17:02] 550 Could not get file size.
[23:17:32] SIZE index.php
[23:17:32] 550 Could not get file size.
[23:18:02] SIZE index.php
[23:18:02] 550 Could not get file size.
[23:18:12] DELE index.php
[23:18:12] 550 Permission denied.
[23:18:12] DELE test.php
[23:18:12] 550 Permission denied.
[23:18:19] TYPE A
[23:18:20] 200 Switching to ASCII mode

The FTP logs simply show login success messages, which user and which IP they're from.

Permissions of public_html

drwxr-sr-x 2 source ftp 4096 2010-08-15 18:40 public_html

even when public_html is 777 I'm unable to write to it.

Solution 1:

Please check you have write_enable=YES in your vsftpd.conf

You can su(do) to the user and try making the file by hand, that should rule out filesystem permission errors.

Could you post the full log from smartftp and perhaps your vsftpd.conf?