Real-time website traffic monitoring for operations teams

Working on medium sized websites we've always built our own real-time traffic graphing solutions and displayed those on a big screen mission control style so that if traffic starts to climb, load start to climb, latency increases, etc we can start watching it pro-actively before the monitoring system goes off.

Now I'm starting at a new company and we need the same thing, are there companies that have mission control style real-time website monitoring software products? Not web analytics, but real-time graphing of things like simultaneous users, page views, hits, avg HTML render time, etc. It would require installing some kind of agent on each web server (or the load balancer) since Javascript tracking is insufficient to detect for example when a spam-bot starts pummeling the site. I've googled and can't find anything.

Solution 1:

Best tool i have seen is it looks at your logfiles in real time and charts data based on your queries.

Solution 2:

Sounds like something Reconnoiter could do, maybe combined with (sys)log shipping or some form of statistics from the httpd