How can I disable OneNote from starting automatically?

I once tried out OneNote in Windows 10, and I did not really need it. But since then, there is this annoying OneNote icon appearing on the taskbar. Even if I turn it off, it comes back after a reboot. How can I get rid of it?

(Apparently, there is "OneNote" and there is "OneNote for Windows 10". For some reasons, I have both of them on my Windows 10 PC. But the one I am having an issue with is "OneNote", most likely part of Office 365 that I don't have any subscription to. I was able to run it. I did not start the free trial.)

Open Task Manager, Startup Items and disable it there. That should normally work.

If not, get Autoruns (Microsoft SysInternals). Download it, install it (easy) and run it.

Disable all occurrences of One Note that show up in Autoruns.

That should do it. All Windows 10 machines have One Note for Windows 10 and it is not running here.

Good luck.

But since then, there is this annoying OneNote icon appearing on the taskbar. Even if I turn it off, it comes back after a reboot. OneNote is not part of my Startup applications. How can I get rid of it?

  1. Open OneNote and go to File > Options

enter image description here

  1. Click on Display and then untick the Place OneNote icon in the notification area of the taskbar checkbox.

enter image description here

It is really easy, since you don't use it, all you have to do is uninstalling OneNote, after it is uninstalled it will never bother you again.

To open elevated PowerShell:

Win+R→type powershellCtrl+Shift+Enter

Then paste these codes into the resultant window:

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Where {$_.Name -match "OneNote"} | Remove-AppxPackage -AllUsers
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Where {$_.DisplayName -match "OneNote"} | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online

Then the problem should be solved.