Sharing hardware resources through network: specifically RAM

I have two systems. One is a laptop and has 2 GB RAM while the other is a desktop having 8 GB RAM. Is it possible to share these resources so that both systems have 10 GB RAM?

The software I want to run on both systems is Android Studio... which currently the laptop is not handling quite well.

Additional information: Both systems are running Windows 8 and have Intel Core i3 processors.

thanks ppl, but i got another question.. how about sharing it through an ethernet cable?? as in via a switch or v-lan , therby not using the internet at all and but getting a descent transfer rate???

Only some programs allow to split processes over the network (some 3D rendering programs, effectively sharing RAM) (See answer of Julian Knight)

The problem with internet would be that's too slow (See answer of Spiff)

I think the RAM of your desktop won't be hardware compatible, so just placing the RAM strips into your laptop won't work.

What you can do:

Install a remote desktop client on your laptop and connect to your desktop. This way you can "work on your desktop" through the tunnel.

So the heavy program (android studio) will run on your desktop! And the laptop would only be bothered by the remote desktop client.

This, effectively uses the PC hardware and would thus work better (if your laptop and remote desktop client are sufficient and easy enough to work with.

I'd like to add that this does not "share" RAM, but just uses the RAM of the pc, which is sufficient.

Probably not, as it would be pretty slow compared to doing virtual memory paging to a local drive. SATA-3 is 6 gigabits per second, and I have a two-year-old 4TB 7200 RPM SATA-3 HDD with a sustained 157 MebiByte/sec (~1.3 gigabit/sec) read/write rate. Sustained transfer rates over gigabit Ethernet are around 0.942 gigabits/sec at best.